Joe. PROVE: Cartoon column on Bob Morton page 2, with the writeup “THE FIRST HALF WAS A BIT OF A STALEMATE” with players number 21 rejoicing upon victory! Go and mark number X21X as a FIXED DRAW this week 16. 2020 and now 2021 which is 38 and secondly wigan ontop bar st mirren is a fixed draw so my pair for the week is 38 and 44 for 1 or 2 winning line for the week is 15 23 34 38 44 at least 3/5. 17 PAIR 15. at number 2 home is a fixed draw. when you go to back page in bob morton letter A in coded list (FUN/CAR) check COMPILERS COMPETITION PAIRS first pair of BOB MORGAN, (41) is your sure draw. WK 24: BOB MORTON page 2 Carefully look at de logic of addition of first home teams letters or first away teams letters on position 20 & 21 of short List when ans. September 5, 2023 at 7:39 PM. . > bob-Morton, since WK28 current,Fabulous`8` serial 7&8 are pair 37 & 26. Week 21 RSK Pool Papers 2023: Soccer, Bob Morton, Capital. WEEK 34- NOS. Ref. The two bold no at the bottom down of Bob Morton page 3 is a pair for one provided that it didn’t take it to Bob Morton full list serial no 15 and 44 respectively. Game 8 of Capital International full-list game 42 marked XXX, also back page of Bankers of the Week. ===== 14xx 20xx 38xxcbk. Ref WK 42, week 5 2023. last WK. play as you can endure. Week 2 Pools RSK Papers 2022: Soccer, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. go to Super six AND PICK the last first No to draw in a serial no and game 5 of fabulous to draw. Must also been seen on Bob morton Fabulous 26 no 7 to confirm it. == Before u invest in the banker, crosscheck and do your own study and decide on your own if to play the game or not. WK 42 to draw 21√45√ BOB MORTON page 1 Fabulous 16 when position 9&10 are rated ***** at same time, PART ONE WK 7 position 9&10 failed WK 11 it. Perm x5x10x24x29x31x. Temple of Draw. Since current waves Morton occupying week family number H/A is fixed draw. X5xx,Newcastle at number 5 in purple colour is a fixed draw. Capital International. Proof: Home team @ coupon NO. IF DRAW MARK THE POSITION TO FAIL THE. when bob morton fabulous 16 game 14 rated draws bank on in reference week 6 39xxxxx. XX40XX. Step 1: go to Page 3 of Bob Morton. REF, WK04 CURRENT. August 31, 2021 at 10:03 am. Pls stake it with #50,000 it can not fail. WEEK 39. Get my Two Draws from Bob Morton this Week 40, 2020 English Football Pools Season Tags: atowuato pools compilers, banker of the week, banker room, banker room pool, bbc pool prediction, bob morton pool banker, com, discussion room, draws for this week pool, england pool fixtures, fixed pool draws, football betting blog, football draw prediction banker for this weekend, football pool and online, football pool and online. Next. 32xx barrow under the bar in the same family. Pool fixed draws Week48 XX🤣XX XX🤣XX XX🤣XX ————-49P24 ———-Week47 XX23XXWon XX24XXWon XX45XXWon. Bob Morton. Reff: starting from WK 4 current. 3CBK. Temple of Draw. Access fee is N4,000 monthly. This Season i will make you fly like an Eagle. this week 37 brown it is turn of nos 18xxx & 37xxx to play one or two draws. 17 will be seen marked ??? @ Soccer research “FIXED ODDS 5” 2. Mr Oyibo: +234-703-981-7674. wk21 current. Week 21 Pools Draws MARKET 2022: Buy And Sell Games Here NAP Market. This week it’s 39. 13bk: prove: wk 20 (2021/2022), Bob Morton short list game six taken to soccer left hand game of for one x. on bob morton coded list r. week 48 pool draw 2023 | pool draw this week 48 | UK pool draws. So 32x. 3 Gazetted draw Cbk. Thank for you that will invest in this one million banker that can never fail. The 3rd week mark that previous position of Djurgaaden at away for a fixed draw. Week 11 rsk papers 2021: Welcome to Fortune Soccer here we provide you with RSK papers (Bob Morton, Capital International, Soccer ‘X’ Research) and papers from other other publishers such as WinStar, Bigwin Soccer, Special Advance Fixtures, Right On Fixtures, Weekly Pools Telegraph, Pools Telegraph, Temple. also swansea drew 1-1. Last week my banker 40 ended in score draw 1-1 This week33 My banker is 46 fixed. Wk31 current. 8 pair 20… Must for one or two draws. Reply. Do you need Two Fixed Banker draws from Bob Morton Pools Paper for Week 42, 2020 now available. poolfixtures. HIGH ONLINE FIXED ODD 1-8 DRAWS = 150 TO 1 9-10 DRAWS = 120 TO 1 11-12 DRAWS = 72 TO 1 13-14 DRAWS = 36 TO 1 15-16 DRAWS = 15 TO 1 17-18 DRAWS = 10 TO 1 19 AND ABOVE DRAWS = 5 TO 1. Reality says: September 14, 2023 at 3:03 PM. only on brown and red weeks. For 11 go to bob morton where u have 3games at d front when one of d numbers is taken to inside page where we have 5 for 3 draws game 5 is a draw ref week 6…. The position to house Rochdale or Northampton for a classic fixed draw, this week, Rochdale and Northampton now meet in the same position for a. * Prove of 40 Capital Rsk, Whenever TRY last number is 49, Go to Treble Chance16. 2 analysis has failed to enter game 15 and 44 of full list is a must to supply one or two draws since last season. Anytime the front page of Bob Morton carries Bradfords C kindly go to compilers competition pairs A(i) any team there is a fixed draw & by the grace of God will not fail. Week 43 Pools RSK Papers 2020: Soccer, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. game four with a sign of draw and game six with a sign of xxxx. Tanisha says:. I av 3/3 from Bob Morton 15*21*35 ,bt I will prove only one banker here and rest in other room No 21 cbk prove go to Bob Morton full list game No 35 and minus code one from any number there for a banker draw. Game 45 of Bob Morton Fullist to appear in Capital Fullist no 40, bank on it as draw and Bob Morton Fortune box as draw. = Last week we use the system of aloa and falkirk to guide dumbarton to. Week 19 Pools RSK Papers 2023: Soccer X Research, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. on soccer since week 39, the two games called hot-pair inside tips for saturday’s coupon page 4 have being playing for one draw. Proof wk 1 current in bob Morton fabulous 16…game fourteen is a register draw that is no. Is a live draw. ref wk 15,26,37 Prove of 44 The last time 44 drew was in wk 27, it projected to draw by the 10th week which is this week 37. BROCK LESNAR says:. Soccer Percentage. So 48x ————————————– Week 51 2023, Soccer FULLIST no 21 carrying family of 4, check if 21 is rated 14% in soccer, then. Away to draw and add two to team fourty-three away first Letter to draw. Since start of season,. September 22, 2023 at 3:10 pm. xxxx20xxxx Any number that appears at the JOKER PAIR on Bob Morton front page and also appears under MEET ME AT on Soccer X front page is a fixed draw. Read More. Reply. august 5, 2022 at 8:35 pm . WK02,2022 NORTHCOTE C VS GOULBURN V @X24X FIXED DRAW PERTH VS PERTH GLORY @30 PLAY AS YOU CAN ENDURE. WINNININGLINE. Cambridge united vs Port vale 25 25 25xxxxxx Fixed draw for the weekend. Week36 Nap 0126 and perm 29&30. Whenever it draws, it will repeat draw the following week. Integrating to produce Arsenal@home as a gazetted TEAM Fixed draw on Purple Color@ No 1 Week 8 BURNLEY vs AstonV @4 home Sum difference of Home vs Away 7homeletters vs 6 Away letters = 7-6 = 1 XXXX ARSENAL VS FULHAM XXX WEEK 12 BURNLEY VS MAN UTD = 7 – 6 (letters) = 1 @ Arsenal vs Tottenham XXXX HENCE. 2. Nap Gallery. Week 10 Pool Draw Games And NAP MARKET 2023: Buy And Sell Games Here. Proof: the two games at editors top 2 in from of capital. Soccer X Researc h. 1 9-10 DRAWS = 125 to 1 11-12 DRAWS = 75 TO 1 13-14 DRAWS = 40 TO 1 15-16 DRAWS = 15 TO 1 17-18 DRAWS = 10 TO 1 19 AND ABOVE DRAWS = 5 TO 1. – First Setting: Week 47: Nap = 6/15/30 Picture = 22/14/35 Dead games = 14fffff/15fffff Pair = 6xxxxx/30ffffff: Second. God bless the great admin. Week 35 Pools RSK Papers 2023: Soccer, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. CARDIFF vs CAMBRIDGE SYSTEM” This reveals that whenever CARDIFF CITY is fixed at the family number of 04 @home then locate CAMBRIDGE UTD to deliver one or two draws with CARDIFF CITY. week10 my banker is no 46xbk draw. Now to further strengthen you on 33xx as a draw. Prove open Bob Morton SHORT LIST game 1 and 22 to be in ascending other to give one draw only. proof wk. Now go to week11 week12 game 24 away to meet this week as live draw. August 27, 2023 at 7:44 pm . My Story Changer banker is xxx 9 xxx. Welcome to wk 18…best pair for the wk is 5 pair 21 must for one or two draws. Stockport and Salford c on top each at away to draw one must 11/12 Winning line 11xx12xx17xx38xx41 Whenever Even week no and the pair on top of This week picture draws First no is in the same family no with the week no Bank heavily on MEET ME AT and THE PAIR under IT. WK10: nap 6, 23, 44. Week 48 rsk papers 2022. Swan United ontop bar home or away current season mark Forrestfield,. Frederick. Small Caps 14 Nov, 2023. Enjoy your Forecast. YORK VS HARTLEPOOL ×××49××× must deliver this week. This week it’s 39. C + 4 = 07. Week 21. ** From the year 2007/2008 season play the first match of Bradford c as a fixed. Prove for 46√√√, Bob Morton fabulous 8 game number 8 to move to NAP in the same Bob Morton, mark it as a full time draw, check Week31 till date. Wk 51 39X PROOF Bob Morton coded list letter W column to fail both positions in even wk’s and draw both positions respectively in odd wk’s by working. . Pools Telegraph. This can be made a possible fixed draw when BOURNEMOUTH meet with a team starting with letters “W”. Week 48 Pools Draws MARKET 2023: Buy And Sell Games Here NAP Market. Admin pls delete my first post as I mistakenly used 41 instead of 42. the best pair of the wk is 10 pair 30 must for one or two draws Reasons fabulous games sixteen at Bob Morton front page carrying the sign of Draw Draw is a must for one draw Reff last week . nb. Florence Chukwu. I got this @ a cost, but freely i give to the House. 2020/21. No draw like number x 7 x my chief banker. morton right corner where you have 17 and 42 and if one is(42) taken to front page where you have 42 and 47, boldly mark X42X as a fixed draws. Enjoy your Forecast. add one to the second number at editors pair at Bob Morton paper for a draw 46CBK. this week is 26/32. Mark it as draw. Open to page 3 of bobmorton beside the edge you will see two bold numbers 26&46. Welcome to week 46. Wk 6: 6★ Wk 7: 7★ Wk 12: 12★ I’m Dr Ugoo HIGH ONLINE FIXED ODD 1-8 DRAWS = 150 TO 1 9-10 DRAWS = 120 TO 1 11-12 DRAWS = 60 TO 1 13-14 DRAWS = 30 TO 1 15-16 DRAWS = 15 TO 1 17-18 DRAWS = 10 TO 1 19 AND ABOVE DRAWS = 5 TO 1. Week 38 Pools Draws MARKET 2023: Buy And Sell Games Here NAP Market. * Prove of 27 Whenever 28 appear in bob-Morton Nap box , up & down of it is a pair 27 & 29 Ref. Now in wk 17 best pair of the week 21xxxx weds 44 must for one or two draws…reason bob Morton full list game one and game forty for one or two draws…reff wk 12 and wk 15 current season. Prove for 20, every purple week if Wycombe at away , is a fixed draw. Add the first letter of the home team of SAT DATE to Sat Date and…. FM777 says: December 15, 2022 at 9:53 AM. In even wk’s, subtract code one from both up and down games of coded list letter W and go to advance week and check the position that carries the answer. WK 6 Bolton 21FF Away. Reply. 12. Community shield @ 1, Blackburn @ 2 home, Wycombe ontop bar home (Pointer). And for specific reference and analogy, CHECK. My pairs are 10 and Ath. 27cbk, Bob Morton 3rd page cartoon picture number to capital draw banker box to draw ref wk 27, Reply. at home is a fixed draw. TC16. A x24x. panel or no panel draws are fixed. PROOF:- Go to coupon no. Prove of 24 as banker, Bob Morton coded list at page four the second game rated Zoo is ur one draw since week 15. Since Week 45, game 45 and 46 of Bob Morton Full List located on page 2, have been producing two banker draws. 14p33. October 1, 2023 at 9:06 am. if draw mark the position to fail the following week. 2: When u add their first away team letters ans. week 11 9xxxx 0-0ft. 2021/2022 wk-4 Morton – Dunfermline Total alphabet’s=17 6down =22xxLocate the position that housed 45 in Bob Morton’s Full List, pick that position and verify that it’s Soccer percentage rating is the game 45 of Bob Morton’s Full List. Welcome to WK 17 banker room, let celebrate with 24XX hook 36XX for two or one draw must. Salford City AT Zéro digit in Advance week to promote 2 fixed draws in Current week. forecast mark as a draw. Week 9 Pools RSK Papers 2023: Soccer X Research, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. Look this 4pair3 2pairs 3 4pairs 6 3 pair 31 that is chinex international pairs. 4. CAPITAL PAGE FOUR. Week 16 Pools RSK Papers…. 28 in week 06, PETERBORO VS READING to meet and fail @ NO. Soccer Percentage Capital International BigWin. Decency Emmanuel says: September 2, 2023 at 8:14 AM. I decided to post because of doubting Thomas in the house that doesn’t believe in fixed draws . FOR ONE X 14 as draw. Ref week 37 current season. proof for 4: bob morton 5 for 3 column page 2 the game 3 has been playing since week13 to complete the colours this week16. April 10, 2022 at 3:00 pm . Full list game26 hosted no. October 22, 2022 at 1:06 pm . * Prove of 23 Capital to Bob-morton rsk, Capital 2nd page pair 23/48 , Any of the Num. Prove for 3 its a. it is a strong indication that (19) will see the light come Saturday evening. XX00XX FT 0: 0 DRAW 🔐 XX00XX FT 2: 2 DRAW 🔐 XX00XX FT 1:. 3&43XX TWO DRAWS In Bob Morton fabulous 16 when game 4 & 5 is rated HOT OR BET,add code one to game 14 of the. Week 21 Pool Banker Room 2023 Welcome to weekly football draw this week pool. chimex quality. HIGH ONLINE FIXED ODD 1-6 DRAWS = 150 TO 1 7-10 DRAWS = 120 TO 1 11-12 DRAWS = 72 TO 1 13-14 DRAWS = 36 TO 1 15-16 DRAWS = 15 TO 1 17-18 DRAWS = 10 TO 1 19 AND ABOVE DRAWS = 5 TO 1. Reply. Robert C Burnss New Jersey Voter Registration. Bob Morton 5 for 3: 44XX No. 28? 28 Gazetted draw uk football pool fixed draws week 06 3/3 nap draws is 100% ready… week 06 3 super draws and correct scores is ready. Red week 5 to 7 and week7 to 9 2020, week2 to 4 2021. on soccer since week 39, the two games called hot-pair inside tips for saturday’s coupon page 4 have being playing for one draw. Week 26 i command 18xx to draw MUST plus two more number must produce 3/3 fixed draws. My week 10 Special NAP; Nap 2××26××49××pair25/38 must. super six. My banker is 💰27💰 Rockingham ontop bar home and on top Forrestfield under bar home mark dates of play as a fixed pair. Robert Morton is 66 years old and was born on 11141955. Soccer X Researc h. Enough said. Go. Here is my full 4/4 games 4xx 9xx 15xx 42xx Proff of 4 and 15 Man UTD at number 1 away look for Brenford and Swansea to give two draws Reff-week18-week29. 2xx wk10 high score quiz box 5 & 6 transfer to treble jinx game 5 & 8,mark game 8 as a potential fixed draw, and now week 20. Week 51-52 2023, BOB MORTON – SOCCER Canberra o @ away on Fabolous 16 game 11 to draw, following week to repeat draw and must be placed at SOCCER BEST SCORE DRAWS position 12. 21 Gazetted draw Cbk . Same as 12 &21 even if na only one draw Korea will play this week it will not fail Prove Check week 49 brown Percentage of 15 in soccer 41 Go to Bob Morton fullist game game 15 to carry same 41 . Raymond (ENGR) John Paul: 07030635051. Ref: week 16 & 17 current. =26xx,wk47-G25=6xx. So long as No 9 registered a draw yesterday,No 5 is a FIXED DRAW. Prove: No 39 to fail on Bob Morton No Coded List and host no 21xxx following week. 41 is a confirmed banker for week 10. Onebanker is presenting fixed draw to the house on ground style. Reply. Weekly Telegraph DIRECTORY whenever AWimbledon appear there @home is a pure draw, Ref wk 6, wk 8, wk 11. Refer; current aussie season. Week 14 Pools Draws MARKET 2022: Buy And Sell Games Here NAP Market. com for daily football tips with super sure Odds. Reply. count 3down from montrose to meet FALKIRK @18x away to draw. leicester at away ontop bar seen as the first game on nap and game 12 of fabulous 16. Label. 1 bk ,with white jersey this WK, after appearance with black jersey for wk48 &. 38xxx. - Bank on the away first letter of Saturday date of play for a fixed draw. 10 of last wk fixtures. Wk39 2018/19. Next. 2&4 as two potential fixed draws since the ongoing season every purple confidently bank on Burnley and Newcastle for 2 draws. Red to Purple Arithmetics. * Prove of 15 Bob-morton rsk , Fabulous “16” column, Purple supported sequence, When serial number is the same as it fixture and also transfered to inside page Cartoon 15 take as cbk. is WK number (33). For winning line. CHARLTON@Home and is found in FULL LIST of CAPITAL, the position that housed it would be placed in LAST CARD of BOB MORTON. Welcome to week 28 Forcast, Purple Coupon. with out delay go and mack no. My banker last week was X8X with a good. 16 which is a different key. For 26XXX, Bob Morton 5 for 3 X X X inside, the last game carry NAP is draw since panel started. Prove for 36; multiply week number by 2 to get a cocksure draw. 2 check the cartoon players jersey in that same page 3 you will see no. Bob. Powered by Blogger. I gave 33xx this week 15 as one of my fixed draws, now the post has disappeared. 2. September 4, 2022 at 10:06 pm . For 8xx,from Soccer page1 Called MEET ME AT is a draw. Proof. 1 100x100 14 1960s 2016 2017 205 25 4260 5 79 a about acoustic adrenaline africa age alphas and android angel anil anima animal animals animated animation anime annapolis anniversary answer apartment apartments app art arts avatars baby bag bags bamboo. Week 10 pool rsk papers 2021, pool rsk papers week 10, week 10 rsk pool papers 2021, week 10 bob morton, week 10 capital international, week 10 soccer x research, week 10 special advance fixtures 2021. i am very sorry, i can not expose a current and working key to the public. In same vein game 7 of Fabolous 16 of Bob Morton to game 14 of Capital Treble chance 16 rated BBC to draw. Week 10 Pools RSK Papers 2023: Soccer X Research, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. Also check – Week 16 Pools SURE banker room. NOW COME TO WEEK 43 (47) ST. 2. Prove for 18; any number that 29% carries is fixed draw. Still Joe in The Building . 6XX 25XX 29XX fixed 3/3. Week 14 Pools RSK Papers 2022: Soccer, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. Next. For Livescores update see –. Wk 6: full list game 5 be 37 and full list game 37 be 22. CAPITAL/BOB MORTON. Reply. 38 37 27 15 11 * Prove of 37 & 38. Proof… Since the beginning of the season, Kilmarnock at away is a special key, when. reason special advance fixtures expert trio game no 2 occupied by no 18. Continuation and followup of bob morton key of last week to produce another two draws and a pair . x 28 x Bob morton turner watson last pair found on. Must also been seen on Bob morton Fabulous 26 no 7 confirm it. Ref week 50 (31XXP47XX) week 51 (20FFP32FF) week 52 (2FFP23XX) week 01 (24FFP5FF) week 02 (20PAIR34) Remember that the strain of Divine praise can never die away. WK 17,2021—7 failed. 10BK. Next. second. so with the help of capital front page 5x 8x 13 21 34 39 Anytime you see two stars added to give you digit there is a fixed draw 5x + 8x = 13xxxxxxxxxxxxx. pool draw, football pool draw, pool banker draw, pool draw this week, pool banker draws, banker draws this week, weekend pool draws on coupon, banker pool draw. 5 move to 3rd page cartoon as cbk. Considering this is the third week, it is worth trying as well. now welcome to week 3 let us mark between 8 and 17 courtesy bob morton pg3 draw tips small no on top big no rated xxx is a for draw provided the addition of the down no digit wise result to the top no. 23 would be placed as a fixed draw match at Game 32 of. × John prefers daily tips other than weekly, he joins global tipsterli. UK FOOTBALL POOL FIXED DRAWS WEEK 38 3/3 NAP DRAWS IS 100% READY… WHATSAPP : +2349066662120 WEEK 38 3 SUPER DRAWS AND CORRECT SCORES IS READY. Wigan found there, bank on it as long as it’s opponent is Crewe. Is a banker. bob morton. Papers Room for May 2020 is opened. GOOD LUCK TO US. Capital International BigWin. Week 30, 1xx 9xx. Best of luck friends hope to get one banker draw to add up to mine. reff. Week 8 Pools RSK Papers 2023: Soccer X Research, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. X22X fixed draw Carlisle on top of Charlton on current Brown,go to advance brown,pick opponent of Charlton to draw with Carlisle in current Brown Wk9/5 Wk13/9. xx3xx13xx are two undisputable fixed draw. 2BEN. Now current week Percentage of 12 in soccer is 21 Go to Bob Morton fullist game 12 to carry same 21 is mustGILLINGHAM VS SALFORD CITY @23 is a fixed draw this week. Wk 34, 1xx 2xx The following week 35 which is Red, Leicester to occupy the vacating position of Fulham playing the game directly under. com we provide you with current late news papers such as BigWin Soccer, Dream International Research, Pool Telegraph, Soccer Standard and Temple Of Draws. Soccer X Research. 3&43XX TWO DRAWS In Bob Morton fabulous 16 when game 4 & 5 is rated HOT OR BET,add code one to game 14 of the. Morton, age 90, of Texarkana, Arkansas, died Tuesday, October 10, 2023, in a local hospital. February 23, 2023 at 5:55 am . x Analysis to 5 for 3 xxxxxx So Nap 6 17 46 _____ 27 & 49 GOOD LUCK TO US ALL. + code 3 to the above weeks when 48 drew on game 4 of draws st. Though e bring also ★2★14★26bk★43★ for 4/4. ¤¤¤¤ 30 ¤¤¤¤¤DRAW Nap 7¤¤30¤¤40=3/3,proof of 30 anytime falkirk is coupon list is a fixed draw,ref wk4 ,wk15,wk20,wk21 2022/23,proof 7 & 40 is every. By @ukfootballpools 5 months Ago. Week44 first week of may ajacio vs tolous drew xxxxx of coupon. About. 1. gillingHAM and this week11 Gillingham to host Milton k for a fixed draw…single xxxxxxxx27xxxxxxxxx. 329 Comments . *NEXT WK10 I WILL STILL. To God be the glory for this week. PROOF: Bob Morton: addition of d two digit nos at d RHS game of d Joker pair, the answer to give d game at d LHS of d Joker pair. Week 43, 2020 RSK Bob Morton Paper Fixed Draws UK Pool Banker 6. Under the Bar away carrying letter B” Mark Moreton B. 2016 season. wk 23 ===== 2xx 14xx 30xxcbk 3/3. move to week 35 on the bob morton, you will see double number as, open your soccer in the same week 35, check %39 to give you number 7 as draw. 9. 17 41 front page of soccer research under tony waivers forecast the two game that carry 2 are two dead matchs every week. By ukfootballpools 3 weeks Ago. See WK 4 & 7 and now WK 8. BOB FL GAME (23)* = 45. 12. Week 14 Pool Draw Games And NAP MARKET 2023: Buy And Sell Games Here. WESTBROM CARRYING 29% ON ANY DIGIT ONLY IN PURPLE AND PLACE AT FIRST GAME ON SUPER SIX IN BOB MORTON IS A GAZETTE DRAW. My banker is 43Xx,game under Celtic is a goal #43X. Robert (Bob) Morton. When one of the two bold number see at Bob Morton page three is seen on the jersey of the cartoon player page two is a fixed draw. HIGH ONLINE FIXED ODD 1-5 DRAWS = 300 TO 1 6-8 DRAWS = 150 TO 1 9-10 DRAWS = 125 to 1 11-12 DRAWS = 75 TO 1 13-14 DRAWS = 40 TO 1 15-16 DRAWS = 15 TO 1 17-18 DRAWS = 10 TO 1 19 AND ABOVE DRAWS = 5 TO 1. Good day fellow tipters and welcome to WK 7. Week 19 Pools Draws MARKET 2022: Buy And Sell Games Here NAP Market. Ref WK 42, week 5 2023. 5xxxxxxbanker (2) use 49xxxx as a draw in brown. Label. 9*10*34**42**46. references. Week 35 Pools RSK Papers 2022: Soccer, Bob Morton, Capital Intl, Winstar, BigWin. 10CBK. Solomon Sodero. Proof for no 3 is from Bob Morton’s banker Box page 2. Past performances here; Last Wk05 2023/2024 Banker👉40√√√√0-0ftd delivered. 33. home again to another team that ends with the word *HAM*. week 16, 22/10/2022 draws game 4=48xxx dundee vs (morton) week 16+3=19 week 19 draws game 4=46xxx (st. Week 43, 40, 12, 6. x forecast page 3. Unfortunately we cannot upload rsk papers yet due to the due to the legal threat. XX12XX Bob Morton Fabulous 16 the sign arrangement first appearance was week 6 go to Triple pair Banker the only letter H to draw. HAPPY JOE PAIR – BOB MORTON TRIPLE PAIR Ref WK 50 WK 51. Week 11, Bob morton back page George Mitchell pair and Turner Watson Pair to carry 42 and 37. Temple of Draw. Week 22 Pools RSK Papers…. 1] go to bob-morton full list, any digit that the wk nmbr carries, is ur banker, first alphabet away team of ur banker, for second draw, first home team alphabet of ur banker, must play one down for 3/3. Week 18 Pool Draw Games And NAP MARKET 2023: Buy And Sell Games Here. week 6 Sheff U on bar, Aston v on it away pick the number up and add 10 ie 5 6 7 to chain 15 16 17 to be guided by Preston and Westbrom, the following week mark opponent of Westbrom and Huddersfield at. The two bold number at the bottom down of Bob Morton page three is a pair for one draw.